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100 years of the FUTURIST movement in Italy 

We recycle your manifesto in Uruguay. 


  1. We want to sing random love, alternative energy and sustainability.

  2. Consciousness, respect, union, will be essential elements of our poetry.

  3. Literature exalted in the past, thoughtful immobility, ecstasy and sleep. Then there was the aggressive movement, the feverish insomnia, the running step, the somersault, the slap and the punch. Today the SLOW movement saves us with thoughtful mobility, dialogue with nature and the interior of each individual. "Attitude without haste" means working in search of better productivity, knowing the before and after of what we generate, to correct and improve quality with creativity.

  4. We affirm that the magnificence of the world has been impoverished by the apparent beauty of irrational speed. A racing car with its hood adorned with thick tubes resembling explosive breath serpents... a roaring car, which seems to run on the gust, is deadlier than the Victory of Samothrace.

  5. We want to extol sustainable production, study the cycle of the generated product, which evolves with the earth, on the circuit of its orbit, and returns to improve and last over time.

  6. It is necessary that the design be questioned, calmly, rationally and liberally, to choose the best path and exalt the primordial elements of human existence.

  7. There is no beauty if it is not good. No work that does not have a positive character can be a masterpiece. Poetry must be conceived in common agreement with unknown forces, to enrich man.

  8. We find ourselves on a climatic change promontory, the highest in centuries!... Why should we look behind our backs, to live and reconsider the future? Time and Space were born yesterday. We live in consciousness, because we have created slow life.

  9. We want to glorify peace – the harmony of the world – pacifism, regional and universal culture, the constructive gesture of libertarians, the beautiful ideas by which one lives, the appreciation of women and men.

  10. We want to carry out works in museums, libraries, academies of all kinds, offer other options to moralists, freedom, the usefulness of common opportunities, proximity to natural resources.

  11. We will sing to revalue our identity, the wealth of the Río de la Plata Region, Uruguay, the great little country where we live. We will fight to generate a local, not global, fashion culture, approaching the countryside, the sheep and their wool, the habits, uses and customs of the place where we create and produce.


Designers Ana Livni and Fernando Escuder


>> Made based on the FUTURIST MANIFESTO (1909) 


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